
CTSite Mailing List

Every Chrono Trigger fan needs to be a part of this mailing list. As a subscriber to this list, periodic messages will be sent as notifications of any developments in the novel project, major updates to the website, issues dealing with the novel, and any other Chrono Trigger related subjects worthy of a newsletter. As a promise, all privacy is protected and only messages relating to Chrono Trigger will be sent to members of this list. No email addresses will be sold, given out, or shared with other sites without the permission of the address holder.

Subscribers of this mailing list will be the FIRST to know of any changes and developments.

Please note that the main newsletter is formatted in HTML. If your email is not configured to accept images, HTML messages, or any related features (true-type fonts, colors, etc.), then you will not get the full benefit of this newsletter. I strongly recommend you sign up with an email address that supports these types of emails, and please be sure that the settings of your email account are set to accept them (with some servers, the ability to accept HTML messages can be turned off). Most current accounts accept these types of messages by default, including Hotmail, Yahoo!, and any account being checked through Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express.

Thank you!