タータとカエル | Tarta and Frog | Tata and the Frog | |
The name I render "Tarta" is an obvious reference to tartar (sauce), but isn't spelled the way it ought to be in Japanese (タルタル). As for the chapter name, tartar sauce is often served with fried seafood, and while I don't eat frog (frog legs?), I suppose it could be considered a sort of seafood. As an extra side note, tartar sauce uses mayonnaise as a base and may have vinegar added for flavor, and for all I know they might mix it with soy sauce in Japan too (I'll have to remember to research that later...). Refer to the names of Magus's minions if these references don't mean anything to you. |
パレポリ村 A.D.600 Parepoley Village | Porre | ||
Remember that house from before? The scared boy from the mountain entrance is there now. |
タータ「ゴ、ゴメンよお……。 この勇者バッジ、ホントは酒場で よいつぶれてた、カエルのオヤジが 落としてったのさ。 で、高く売れるかと思って 町に出てったら、みんなが勇者様って チヤホヤしてくれるから 引っ込みがつかなくなって…… でも、やっぱりオイラには無理だよ。 伝説の勇者だなんて…… もうコリゴリだよ。 このバッジ、あんちゃん達にやる! |
Tarta: I, I'm sorry.... |
TATA: I...I'm sorry everyone. |
Tarta's father, standing nearby, hears all this and freaks out. |
タータの父「ったく、こんなこったろうと 思ったぜ……。 父ちゃん、情けなくって なみだ出てくらあ! |
Tarta's Father: Jeez, I thought it might |
TATA'S FATHER: Scoundrel! |
いやあ、せがれが勇者だってんで まい上がっちまって、おはずかしい。 死んだかかあのためにも、俺もせがれも 地道に生きますよ。 |
Oh, I'm so embarrassed to have been caught up thinking my son was the hero. For the sake of my dead wife, both I and my son will live with our feet on the ground. |
How could I have fallen for that? For my dear departed wife's sake, I wov to keep my feet on the ground! |
タータ「父ちゃんだって、俺も勇者を育てた 親父かって、ハナたかだかだった クセにさ……! |
Tarta: This even though YOU'RE the |
TATA: Listen to YOU! Who was going around telling everyone that you raised a Hero, huh?! |
Well, we only know of one frog man... time to return that badge. |
お化けカエルの森 A.D.600 Frog Monster's Forest | Cursed Woods | ||
Frog is still standing silently in the corner. |
カエル「また、来たのか……? む、そのバッジは……。 そうか……。 あのチビに会ったのか……。 しかし、もう魔王には手も足も 出ない……。 魔王と戦うのに必要な 伝説の剣グランドリオンは……。 それに、グランドリオンを持つしかくも 俺にはない。 もう、ほっといてくれないか 俺のことは……。 |
Frog: You've come again...? |
Frog: Thee hath returned? |
Have I mentioned that the fake early English in the NA version sometimes makes me cringe in agony? Seeing "Thee hath returned" is one of those times. It should be "Thou hast returned" is he's talking just to Crono, or "You have returned" if to all of them. "Thee hath"...? That's using an object as a subject and a third-person verb with a second-person pronoun. Geh. Frog finally moves, revealing something shiny... a sword hilt. |
Lucca reacts to the find if present, otherwise Robo does. |
ルッカ「おれた剣ね……。 グランドリオンの一部だわ! |
Lucca: A broken sword.... |
Lucca: A broken sword... |
ロボ「くだかれた剣……。 グランドリオンの一部デスネ! |
Robo: A sword that has been broken.... |
Robo: A broken sword... |
Robo takes a closer look if present, otherwise Lucca does. |
ロボ「古代のショウケイ文字で なにか、しるされていマス。 解読してみマショウ……。 ………… ……ュ……シ……ッ……ボ……? ュシッボ……?? アア、さかさまデス! 『ボッシュ』としるされて いるのデス。 |
Robo: Something IS WRITTEN in |
Robo: Something is written in |
ュシッボ is particularly odd-looking, since the small ュ is only used after other characters. |
ルッカ「古代文字で何かほってあるわ。 このていどなら何とか読めそう。 えっ…… と…… ……ボ……ッ…… シ……ュ……? |
Lucca: Something's engraved in symbols |
Lucca: It's engraved with archaic |
The character who didn't read the inscription reacts. |
マール「ボッシュって、あのボッシュ? メディーナ村の……? ど、どーゆー事、クロノ? |
Marle: "Bosch", that Bosch? |
Marle: Melchior? |
ルッカ「『ボッシュ』ですって!? まさか…… メディーナ村の……? |
Lucca: You said "Bosch"!? |
Lucca: "Melchior?!" |
カエル「グランドリオンを なおせる者は、もうこの世には いないのだ……。 |
Frog: There isn't a person in this |
Frog: Nary a soul remains to |
That's "remaineth to mend", and there's no apostrophe in "mendeth" anyway.... That's not going to stop Crono from trying.... Let's see if Bosch knows anything. |
ボッシュの小屋 A.D.1000 Bosch's Hut | Melchior's Hut | ||
Bosch is here, selling weapons, as always. |
ボッシュ「ほう、お主達か。 また、ワシのコレク……!! こ、この剣は、たしかに グランドリオン! お主達これを どこで? |
Bosch: Hey, it's you guys. |
MELCHIOR: You're back again? |
Lucca interrogates him if present, otherwise Marle does. |
ルッカ「どうして、この剣にあなたの 名前がほってあるのかしら? |
Lucca: I wonder why your name's |
Lucca: Why would your name be |
マール「なぜ、この剣にあなたの名が? | Marle: Why's your name on this sword? |
Marle: Why would YOUR name be on |
3-04 時の回廊 (Corridors of Time) begins to play. |
ボッシュ「…… それはの……、話せば長くなるが…… お主達がたずねて来たのは その事を聞くためではなかろう? |
Bosch: ...... |
The same character continues. |
ルッカ「そうだわ! グランドリオン! 復元する事は可能なの? |
Lucca: That's right! The Grandleon! |
Lucca: Of course! |
マール「そうよ! グランドリオン! 何とか元通りに出来ない? |
Marle: That's right! The Grandleon! |
Marle: Yes! |
The above exchange never made sense to me until I saw it in Japanese. In the NA version, he asks if they want to hear the story, they agree that they want him to tell it, and then he says nothing else about it and no one seems to care. However, in the original, he's actually changing the subject by asking whether they had another reason for coming in the first place. Marle and Lucca aren't so much agreeing (like "Of course!" and "Yes!" in the NA version) as they are exclaiming "Oh, that's right, how could I almost forget we came here to get this thing fixed!" in mild shock. |
ボッシュ「こいつの原料である ドリストーンっちゅう原石が 今でも入手出来れば……な。 |
Bosch: If you can even now get the |
MELCHIOR: Hmmmm... |
The music begins to fade out. |
Robo responds if present, otherwise Marle does. |
ロボ「ドリストーン…… ワタシのメモリーには記録されていない 石の名前デス。 |
Robo: Dreamstone.... |
Robo: Dreamstone...? |
マール「ドリストーン? どこにあるのかしら? |
Marle: Dreamstone? |
Marle: Dreamstone? |
ボッシュ「今じゃどこにもなかろう。 昔は金よりも、ねうちがあった赤く 輝く石なのじゃが。 もう、はるか昔じゃよ。 気の遠くなるほどのな…… |
Bosch: I doubt it's anywhere, now. |
MELCHIOR: You can't find it anymore. |
Memories of Greenery resumes playing. |
ボッシュ「ま、無理じゃろうが、まんがいち 赤く輝く石、ドリストーンが手に入れば グランドリオンを修復してやるぞい。 それまで剣はお主達が持っとけ。 |
Bosch: Well, I don't expect it's possible, but if |
MELCHIOR: I doubt that you'll ever find |
Since time seems to be the biggest problem, Crono and the others try going where time doesn't matter... |
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