現われた 伝説の勇者 | Appeared: The Legendary Hero | The Hero Appears | |
ゼナンの橋 A.D.600 Zenan Bridge | Zenan Bridge | ||
The bridge, which was broken during the last visit to this era, is now swarming with soldiers. |
騎士団長「食料が底をついてしまった…… ガルディア城からのホキュウはまだか! |
Knight Captain: The food's bottomed out.... |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: Our rations have run |
Some of the soldiers are talking about a hero.... I've rendered 勇者様 (yuusha-sama) as "Hero" and just plain 勇者 (yuusha) as "hero". |
勇者バッジを持った勇者……。 おとぎ話だとばかり思っていた……。 今となっては勇者様の力を信じるしかない。 |
The hero who holds the Hero Badge.... I always thought it was a fairy tale.... Now there's no choice but to trust in the Hero's power. |
I never believed those stories about the Hero and his legendary medal... Now it turns out he's our only hope. |
我々の力では、魔王軍に勝てない……。 情けない事だが、勇者様だけたよりだ。 |
We can't beat Magus's army with our strength.... It's shameful, but our only recourse is the Hero. |
We cannot defeat Magus's army by ourselves. Our only hope is the Hero. |
勇者様を守って、騎士団のせいえいが 突撃を開始しました。 |
Protecting the Hero, the best of the Knights have initiated an assault. |
Forming a protective ring around the Hero, the best knights of the Kingdom kicked off the offensive. |
橋のまん中で騎士団と魔王軍が げきとつしたようだ。がんばってくれ……。 |
It seems the Knights and Magus's army have run into each other in the middle of the bridge. Keep at it.... |
It appears our knights and Magus's troops are locked in battle, at the center of the bridge. May we emerge victorious! |
しかし、勇者様一人の力で 魔王軍をうちやぶれるのだろうか? |
But can the Hero crush Magus's army with his strength alone? |
Does the Hero alone have the power to take on Magus's army? |
With the soldiers barring the way across the bridge, the party has to turn back. |
ガルディア城 A.D.600 Guardia Castle | Guardia Castle | ||
何者だ! | Who goes there! | SOLDIER: Halt! |
何だ、お前か。 | Oh, it's you. | SOLDIER: Oh, it's you again. | |
魔王軍におされていたが もう、だいじょうぶだ。 勇者様があらわれたんだからな! |
We were hard-pressed by Magus's army, but everything's fine now. For the Hero has appeared! |
Magus's troops had us cornered but the appearance of the Hero, saved us. |
勇者様? 今ここを通って王に会いにいかれたよ。 |
The Hero? He just now went through here to see the King. |
Hero? He just went to see the King a moment ago. |
The passive verb here is a light honorific. Sort of like saying "was come" instead of "came", I think. The chancellor is in high spirits. |
おお、クロノどの! ついに伝説の勇者様が姿を あらわれたのじゃ! つい先ほど、ここに立ち寄られ 王に会いに行かれましたぞ。 |
Oh, Crono-dono! The legendary Hero has finally made his appearance! Just a short time ago, he visited here and went to see the king. |
Sir Crono! The legendary Hero has finally appeared! He just arrived a moment ago, to meet the King. |
Crono and the others head to the King's room. Elite soldiers stand guard outside the room. |
おいたわしや! 王は魔王軍を前に みずから剣をとり戦ったのです。 もし伝説の勇者様が現れたという 知らせを受けなければ、王は引かずに あのまま戦死されていたやも知れません。 |
How terrible! The king took up his sword and personally battled Magus's army earlier. Had we not received word that the legendary Hero had appeared, the king might have kept on without falling back and fought to the death. |
The King fought bravely against Magus's troops. Had he not heard of the arrival of the Hero, he might have fought to the death! |
私は自分がはずかしい……。 はじめ、あのお方を勇者様とは気づかず ただのこぎたないガキだと思って けとばしてしまったのです。 しかし私は許されました。 なんと心の広い人物でしょう。 さすがは勇者様です。 |
I am ashamed of myself.... I'm afraid that at first, not realizing that person was the Hero and thinking he was just a filthy brat, I turned him away. However, I was forgiven. What a generous personage. It is as befits the Hero. |
I'm so ashamed... I treated him badly, thinking he was just some brat. Luckily, he forgave me. A hero, HE IS. |
Inside the room, the king is in bed, with Queen Leene by his side. |
きっとサイラスが、あの少年をよこして くれたのですわ。 |
Surely Cyrus sent that boy to us. | Cyrus must have sent the boy to us. | |
おお、クロノ。 もう私も年老いたかな……。 サイラスの消そくが、つかめぬ以上 あのバッジを持った少年こそ 残されたゆいいつの希望……。 少年は、魔王を倒せる伝説の剣を もとめて南の大陸へ向かったよ。 |
Oh, Crono. Have I grown old already...? As long as we are unable to catch hold of any news of Cyrus, it is that boy who holds the badge who is our sole remaining hope.... The boy went to the southern continent in search of the legendary sword that can beat Magus. |
Oh, Crono... I've let down my kingdom. Since we cannot locate Cyrus, our sole hope rests on the boy who has the hero medal... He searches the southern continent, for the sword that can defeat Magus. |
Now, to see if anything can be done about the food.... |
料理長は前線へとどける食料と、王に体力を つけようと、大いそがしさ。 |
Between food to send to the front lines and trying to recover the king's strength, the Head Cook is very busy. |
The chef's in a snit, trying to get food to the front lines while keeping the King healthy. |
料理長「何? アニキが!? ……。 へッ、てめえ達だけで この国を守ってると思ったむくいだ。 | Head Cook: What? Big bro!? |
CHEF: What? |
おかみさん「あんた! いつまでも、つまんない意地 はりあってんじゃないよ、男だろ! |
Wife: You! |
MAID: Hey! |
料理長「…… るせえ! お前に何がわかる! |
Head Cook: ...... |
CHEF: ... |
This looks pretty hopeless, so the party leaves. But as they near the castle entrance.... |
「待ちな! | "Wait! | Wait! | |
The head cook runs up. |
料理長「ハアハア…… これを持ってってくれ! |
Head Cook: haa, haa.... |
CHEF: ... |
ハイパーほしにくを手に入れた! | Got Hyper Jerky! | Got 1 Jerky! | |
料理長「それから、こいつはお前らにだ。 持ってけ。 |
Head Cook: And this is for you guys. |
CHEF: And, this is for you guys. |
パワーカプセルを手に入れた! | Got Power Capsule! | Got 1 Power Tab! | |
料理長「それから、あのバカに 伝えといてくれ。 生きて帰って来ねえと しょうちしねえってな! |
Head Cook: And, tell that |
CHEF:And tell that fool... |
Back to the bridge with the food... |
ゼナンの橋 A.D.600 Zenan Bridge | Zenan Bridge | ||
It looks as though the fighting intensified while Crono and the others were away. Few soldiers remain, and several lay unmoving. |
やはり人間の力では、魔王軍には かなわないのか…… |
Can we really not handle Magus's army with human strength...? |
Mere mortals can never expect to beat Magus's troops. |
もう食料がありません…… | There's no food anymore.... | Our food supplies have run out. | |
勇者様は、何とか橋をわたりました。 しかしわが軍は、大きないた手をこうむって しまいました…… |
The Hero crossed the bridge somehow. But I'm afraid our army suffered a very serious blow.... |
The Hero has made it across the bridge somehow, but our troops have suffered heavy losses. |
騎士団長「魔王軍が 新手をくり出して来た。 今は危険だ。 下がっていなさい。 |
Knight Captain: Magus's army has |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: Magus's army has |
Crono gives him the food from the castle. |
騎士団長「こ、これは!? そうですか、あいつが…… クロノ殿、もし私がここで 死んだならば、弟に…… |
Knight Captain: Wh, what!? |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: Food rations! |
There's a sudden commotion with sounds of battle. Battle starts playing. |
騎士団長「何事だ!! | Knight Captain: What's going on!! | KNIGHT CAPTAIN: WHAT is going on |
A soldier rushes over from the bridge. |
魔王軍の攻撃が始まりました! もうささえきれません! |
Magus's army has begun attacking! We can't hold any longer! |
Magus's troops have launched an attack! They're breaking through our defenses!!! |
騎士団長「弱音をはくな! ガルディア王国騎士団のめいよにかけ 魔王軍をげきたいするのだ! |
Knight Captain: Don't whine! |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: Stop sniveling! It |
し、しかし、もう兵の数が……。 | B, but, the number of soldiers is already.... | But, we are far outnumbered! | |
騎士団長「ここが最後の防えい線なのだ。 もうひとがんばりしてくれ! |
Knight Captain: This is our last line of defense. |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: This is our last line of |
わかりました! | Understood! | Understood! | |
The soldier runs back into the fray, and the knight captain turns to Crono. |
騎士団長「ごらんのとおり、我が軍は 苦戦しております…… クロノ殿、助太刀願えませぬか? |
Knight Captain: As you can see, our army |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: Our troops are |
Crono agrees to help. |
騎士団長「かたじけない! 魔王軍は 橋の向こうのたもとにおります! これをお持ち下さい。 きっとクロノ殿のお役にたつはず。 |
Knight Captain: We are grateful! Magus's |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: We are eternally in |
ゴールドヘルムを手に入れた! | Got Gold Helm! | Got 1 Gold Helm! | |
騎士団長「魔王軍は手強い敵です。 くれぐれもお気をつけて。 |
Knight Captain: Magus's army is a tough foe. |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: Magus's troops are |
Crono's party begins crossing the bridge. They soon see skeletons slaughter several soldiers. A vaguely familiar green ball of lard with a tail floats up.... |
ワシは、魔王様だいいちの部下 魔王3大しょうぐんの、ビネガー。 いだいなる魔王様の敵に、死を! ワシのかわいいムスコ達よ! こやつらに死をあたえるのだ! |
I am Magus-sama's foremost subordinate, Vinnegar of Magus's Three Great Generals. Death to enemies of Magus-sama the great! My dear children! Confer death upon them! |
I'm Ozzie, Magus's top general! Those who dare defy Magus have to answer to me! Yes my children... Give 'em a taste of doom! |
His name is an obvious reference to vinegar, but (in keeping with the pun-ish theme), I've tweaked the spelling slighty. Vinegar would normally be 酢 (su) in Japanese anyway. The skeletons attack, and Vinnegar just sort of sits there. The skeletons are difficult to harm... except when using magic attacks, which kill them easily. Oops, guess they weren't expecting to go up against spellcasters. Once Vinnegar realizes he's alone, a message appears in the status bar: |
ビネガー ピ~ンチ! | Vinnegar PINCH! | Ozzie needs help! | |
...probably meaning that Vinnegar is in a pinch. Later occurances indicate that he actually *says* this. |
ビネガー「くう~、なかなかやるな。 | Vinnegar: Khhh, better than I expected. | OZZIE: Those wimps're stronger than I thought. |
And he runs away. Crono and the others chase after him. He stops near the bodies of a few soldiers. |
The character in the second position speaks. |
マール「待ちなさいったら! | Marle: Wait up! | Marle: Wait up, already! | |
ルッカ「逃げ足だけははやいわね。 | Lucca: You're fast at running away, at least. | Lucca: He's pretty swift when it |
ロボ「追いつきマシタ。 | Robo: We HAVE caught up. | Robo: We've got him. | |
ビネガー「少々、お前達をあまく 見すぎていたようだ。 しかし、今度はそうはいかんぞ。 |
Vinnegar: It looks as though I |
OZZIE: Seems I misjudged you. |
Vinnegar does some magic and the corpses rise as skeletons. |
ビネガー「殺っちまえ! | Vinnegar: Kill them off! | OZZIE: Grrrr! |
This battle is exactly like the last one, except that there are three skeletons instead of two. |
ビネガー「ちくしょー! | Vinnegar: Dammit! | OZZIE: Drat! | |
He runs away again, this time all the way to the far end of the bridge. Crono and the others pursue. |
ビネガー「こ、今度こそお前達も おしまいだぞ! ホントだぞ! |
Vinnegar: Th, this time for sure, |
OZZIE: That's IT! |
The second character responds. |
マール「何よ! クロノをナメルと イタイ目見るわよ! |
Marle: What's your problem! |
Marle: Don't mess with Crono, |
ルッカ「ふん、負けおしみね。 | Lucca: Hmph, you're a poor loser. | Lucca: Poor sport, huh? | |
ロボ「アンタに勝ち目はありません。 コウフクシナサイ。 |
Robo: YOU have NO chance. |
Robo: You cannot win. |
Vinnegar starts chanting again. The party hears a rustling sound coming from the bridge, and they turn to see piles of bones come together and combine to form a giant skeleton. |
ビネガー「ゆけ、ジャンクドラガー! 魔王様の敵をたたきのめせ! |
Vinnegar: Go, Junkdragar! |
OZZIE: Go Zombor! |
Boss battle. Unlike the previous skeletons, physical attacks work just fine. Magic also works, but Sky and Fire elements heal the top half, and Water and Dark elements heal the bottom half. It has fairly strong attacks, but nothing too devestating, especially if Marle is around to combo healing skills. The top half steals all MP from the party member that finishes it off, but this is more annoying than dangerous. When the boss dies, Courage and Pride starts playing, and there's no sign of Vinnegar, who probably ran away as soon as the fighting started. |
騎士団長「クロノ殿のおかげで 橋を守りきる事が出来ました。 しかし、魔王を倒せない事には こんぽん的な解決にはなりません。 |
Knight Captain: Thanks to you, we were |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: Thanks to Sir |
サンドリノ村 A.D.600 Sandrino Village | Dorino | ||
This village is just across Zenan bridge. Incidentally, there's no village here in A.D.1000. Crono and the others stop to gather information. |
知ってるかい? 伝説の剣グランドリオンは デナドロ山の奥に眠ると言われてる。 でも、すっげーおっかない魔物が 剣を守ってるって話だよ。 |
Did you know? It's said that the legendary sword Grandleon sleeps within the Denadoro Mountains. But, the story says a reeaal scary monster is guarding the sword. |
Did you know? They say the mythical Masamune lies deep within the Denodoro mountains. But it's guarded by terrible beasts. |
My brief rant about the name change is on the items page, where it belongs. Short version: Why change it? |
魔王の軍が今にも攻め込んでくるという うわさは、本当かしら……? でも、伝説の勇者様があらわれたからには もうだいじょうぶですよね! |
I wonder if the rumor that Magus's army will invade soon is true...? But now that the legendary Hero has appeared, everything's okay! |
Are Magus's armies really closing in? Well, the mythical Hero has appeared so we'll be all right! |
東にあるデナドロ山には 巨大なハンマーをもったオウガンどもが うろついています。 でも、ハンマーさえもやしてしまえば へっちゃらですよ。 |
Ohgan with huge hammers prowl the Denadoro Mountains to the east. But they're no problem if you just burn their hammers. |
Goblins with huge hammers, roam the Denodoro Mountains to the east. But burn their weapons, are they're pussycats. |
魔王は、邪悪で強大な力を生みだそうと しているらしいぞ……。 もしそうなったら、どこへ逃げても同じ! みんな死んじまうんだよ……。 ……ってなワケだで 俺はこうして酒に逃げてるのさ。 ヒック! |
It sounds like Magus is trying to bring forth an immense evil power.... If it happens, anywhere you'd run'd be the same! Everyone'll die... ...and that's why I'm escaping into alcohol like this. hic! |
Magus is trying to bring forth an immense evil... If he succeeds, there will be nowhere to run. We'll all perish! That's why I'm living it up now! |
旅の宿には、いろんな人がたちよる。 もし人をさがしておるのなら、 ここの主人に聞くがよろしかろう。 ところで、知っていなさるかな。 たつまきのエネルギーは、かまいたちを ぶつけてやれば、消えてしまう……。 自然ってのは、いろんなものの 調和とバランスでなりたっとるのさ。 |
A variety of people drop in at travel inns. If you're looking for someone, you should probably ask the owner here. By the way, I wonder if you knew this? If you strike tornado energy with a whirlwind slash, it dissipates.... Nature, see, consists of the harmony and balance of various things. |
Many people go to the inn. If you seek someone, ask there. By the way, EnergyWhirls will dissipate if you use your "Slash" attack. There's balance in nature. |
There's a familiar person in the village chief's house. |
村長「探し出してもらいたい物は まぼろしの虹色の貝がら……。 これは前金じゃ。 よろしくたのむぞ、トマよ。 |
Chief: It's the mythical Rainbow-Color |
HEADMAN: I want you to find the |
トマ「ヘヘッ、まかせときなって。 俺も伝説の探検家とよばれる男。 きたいはうらぎらないぜ、村長。 |
Toma: Heheh, leave it to me. |
TOMA: Hey, no problem! |
村長「うむ……。 よい知らせ、待っておるぞ。 |
Chief: Yes.... |
Chief: Hmm... |
トマ「よし、そうと決まれば いっぱい、ひっかけてくるかな。 |
Toma: All right, how that that's settled, |
TOMA: With that settled, I'll grab a bite |
Toma leaves. |
村長「虹色の貝がらさえあれば 魔法ぼうぎょバツグンの プリズム防具がつくれるのじゃ。 しかしあのわかぞう、ほんとうに だいじょうぶなんじゃろうか? 自分では、いだいなる探検家などと いきまいとったが……。 |
Chief: If only we had the Rainbow-Color |
CHIEF: We can use the "Rainbow Shell" |
Toma is, unsurprisingly, drinking in the bar. |
トマ「よう、元気だったか。 いっぱいおごってくれるんなら いいネタをやるぜ。 どーだい? |
Toma: Yo, how've you been? |
TOMA: Hey, how have you been? |
Crono decides to humor him again. |
トマ「おやじ、もういっぱいくんな! ちかごろ南の森の奥にゃ ヘンな魔物が かくれ住んでるって話だな。 なんでも、うすっきみわるい 化け物ガエルらしいぜ。 へッ。 |
Toma: Old man, bring another drink! |
TOMA: Hey, one more, please! |
A monster frog...? In any case, Crono and the others continue on. |
フィオナの小屋 A.D.600 Fiona's Hut | Fiona's Villa | ||
Southeast of Sandrino Village is a solitary house, ringed by a small forest. Crono and the others check it out. There's a woman living inside. |
フィオナ「おっとのマルコは、兵士として 戦いに出たまま、帰って来ません……。 私達二人は、この森で育ったの。 せめて、この森だけは守りたい。 いつかマルコが帰って来る日まで……。 |
Fiona: My husband Marco is away fighting |
FIONA: My husband Marco hasn't |
There's nothing to do here now, but it's important much later. Journeying on.... |
お化けカエルの森 A.D.600 Frog Monster's Forest | Cursed Woods | ||
South of Sandrino, and southwest of Fiona's hut, is another, larger forest. The woods are fairly unremarkable, except for a bush deep inside that seems a bit odd. It conceals a ladder that leads down into a crude, but livable, dwelling, complete with furniture. Tranquil Days plays inside. There doesn't seem to be anyone there at first, but.... |
「誰だ!? | "Who's there!? | Who's there!? | |
Frog drops from above and lands in front of Crono. |
カエル「よう、クロノか! どうした、剣でもならいに来たか? 何ッ……!? 王がたおれられた、だと……? ……。 そうか……。 |
Frog: Hey, Crono! |
Frog: 'Tis thee, Crono! |
He walks over to the corner, perhaps looking at something, perhaps just wanting to be alone. |
カエル「俺には、どうする事もできん。 悪いが…… 一人にしてくれ……。 俺は勇者などではない。 俺には、どうする事もできん……。 |
Frog: I have nothing I can do. |
Frog: 'Tis nary a thing I canst do... |
At the Bottom of Night plays, but Frog won't say anything else, so Crono and the others leave him, at least for now. |
パレポリの村 A.D.600 Parepoley Village | Porre | ||
South of Fiona's hut and southeast of Frog's dwelling is another town. This one is also here in A.D.1000. One house in particular is of interest. |
俺のせがれが勇者だってんだ。 トンビがタカを生んだってヤツかね……。 だが、どうひいき目に見ても、そんな ごたいそうなヤツじゃねえんだが…… ま、勇者の親父ってのも悪くねえやね。 ヘッヘ。 |
They say my son's the hero. Guess it's that thing about even normal parents having genius kids.... But no matter how good you look at it, this's like a huge exaggeration, ain't it though.... Well, being the hero's old man ain't bad either. Heheh. |
My son's the legendary Hero! It must have been all that oatmeal! And to think that I'm his father...! |
わしの孫が勇者らしいぞい! わしの血じゃな! ファファファ……!! |
I hear my grandson's the hero! That's my blood in his veins! Hahaha...!! |
My grandson's a brave Hero! That's from my side of the family! Heeheehee... |
デナドロ山 A.D.600 Denadoro Mountains | Denadoro Mts | ||
It's damp, well-shaded, and there are monsters around. Not much else to say. Underground Waterway plays. Soon after arriving, Crono and the others hear someone yelling. |
「うっひゃ~ッ! | "Uhhyaaa! | Aaagh! | |
Cheerful Spekkio plays. A boy runs by them almost too quickly to see, and a big fat orclike monster follows. It's one of those Ohgan monsters mentioned before, but this one is unarmed and pathetically weak. After they beat it, the boy comes back into sight, long enough to see that he has scruffy black hair, wears a red cape, and carries a small shield. |
少年「こ、ここは、とんでもないトコだ! あ、あんちゃん達も、アブナイぜ とっとと、ズラかんねーと。 | Boy: Th, this is a horrible place! |
BOY: Th, this is a terrible place! |
The boy runs away again as another Ohgan approaches. This one has a huge hammer, hits hard, and takes little damage, but any fire attack (hope you have Lucca around) burns the hammer and reverts the beast to an ordinary weakling, like the last one. When the party continues on, the music reverts to Underground Waterway. There are only a few things of particular interest on the mountain, and it's possible to sneak by many of the monsters. Jumping off a waterfall in once place nets two useful accessories, the Silver Earrings and Silver Pierce. Just before the save point is a fuzzball critter that hands over a Magic Capsule if talked to repeatedly, and just after it there's a Speed Capsule on the ground. Eventually, Crono and the others reach a cave at the top, where a nondescript boy runs around. |
子供「ボクは風だぞー。 ぴゅぴゅ~ん! |
Child: I'm the wind. |
KID: I'm the wind! |
...and there's the sword in the back of the cave. It sticks out of the ground, on a raised platform, in a beam of sunlight, and looks pretty impressive. However, when Crono approaches it.... |
子供「ダメッ!! | Child: Don't!! | KID: Stop! | |
The boy runs up and stands in front of the sword. |
子供「お兄ちゃん達も、取りに来たの? グランドリオン。 うーん、そーか。 ちょっと待っててね……。 おーい、グラン兄ちゃ~ん! |
Child: Did you guys come to take it too? |
KID: Are you here for the Masamune? |
Another nondescript child steps from behind the sword. |
グラン「どーした、リオン? やれやれ、またか……。 グランドリオンを手に入れて 勇者としての名声はほしいんだろ? くだらないよ……。 |
Gran: What's wrong, Leon? |
MASA: What is it, Mune? |
Gran spins around once each time he talks, and Leon does two little hops every time he talks. |
リオン「人間って、バッカだねー。 手にした力をどう使うかが 大事なのに……。 |
Leon: Humans are so stupid. |
MUNE: Humans are so...silly! |
グラン「そんな当り前の事も わからないから人間やってんだよ。 |
Gran: Not even getting something that |
MASA: You can't even understand |
リオン「どーする、兄ちゃん? | Leon: What'll we do, nii-chan? | MUNE: What should we do? | |
グラン「決まってるだろ、ためすのさ。 少しばかり、あそんでやろう! |
Gran: We test them, of course. |
MASA: The usual...test them. |
リオン「うん! 行くぞー!! ぴゅぴゅ~ん! |
Leon: Yeah! Here we gooo!! |
MUNE: All right! |
The two of them jump off the platform, transforming into creatures that look kind of like golden human-sized variants of the common goblins, and a boss battle starts. The two of them aren't very strong, but have an annoying tendency to counterattack everything. Damage either one enough and.... |
グランとリオンは2人でないと力が出せない | Gran and Leon can't use their power when not together | Apart, Masa & Mune are powerless. | |
...the battle ends. |
リオン「兄ちゃん、コイツら、やるね。 | Leon: Nii-chan, these guys are good. | MUNE: Hey they're pretty tough. | |
グラン「ここまで手こずったのは サイラス以来だ。 |
Gran: We haven't had this much trouble |
MASA: Only Cyrus made it this far. | |
リオン「どーする、兄ちゃん? | Leon: What'll we do, nii-chan? | MUNE: What should we do? | |
グラン「決まってるだろ。 本気でいくんだよ! |
Gran: As if you have to ask. |
MASA: This time it's for real! | |
リオン「よーし! 今度は…… | Leon: All right! This time.... | MUNE: All right, this is it... | |
グラン「あそびじゃないぞ! | Gran: We're not playing! | MASA: Yeah. |
Gran moves to one side and poses as he says... |
ゆうきのグランと…… | Brave Gran and.... | With Masa's bravery and... | |
Leon moves to the others side and poses similarly as he says... |
ちえのリオン!! | Wise Leon!! | ...Mune's knowledge! | |
The two dash toward each other, meeting in the middle and yelling... |
コンフュ~ジョ~ン!! | Soul fuuusiooon!! | Two become one!! | |
It looks like "confusion", but since that doesn't make sense, and they're definitely fusing, I think the コン is 魂 (soul). They sort of melt together, and reform as a giant yellow over-muscled brute, with horns and an oversized mouth. This is no ordinary boss battle: 2-17 ボス・バトル2 (Boss Battle 2) plays instead of the usual boss music. The beast hits hard, has lots of HP, and has a whirwind attack that can confuse a character. Additionally, every so often it stops and opens its mouth wide, with a message indicating that it's storing tornado energy. While storing energy, it doesn't attack, but unleashes a devestating tornado attack when done charging (and I think it also counterattacks while charging). But there is a way to stop it. As mentioned by one of the townsfolk earlier, the tornado energy is erased by Crono's Whirlwind Slash. Using it makes the brute go back to using normal attacks. Eventually, Crono and the others are victorious. The brute splits back into Gran and Leon, who go then go back to looking like little kids. |
リオン「やられちゃったね、兄ちゃん。 | Leon: We got beat, nii-chan. | MUNE: They beat us, big brother... | |
グラン「なかなか楽しかったな。 | Gran: That was funner than I expected. | MASA: That was fun! | |
リオン「この人達なら、ボクらを なおしてくれるかな? ちゃんと持ち主を見つけて くれるかな? |
Leon: I wonder if these people |
MUNE: Will they fix us? |
グラン「ああ、だいじょうぶさ。 | Gran: Yeah, it'll be fine. | MASA: Yeah, it'll be all right. | |
Gran and Leon walk up to and into the sword. It glows and vanishes, revealing a damaged hiltless blade. |
Robo comments if present, otherwise Lucca does. |
ロボ「この剣が、伝説の グランドリオン……。 しかし、これは…… おれてしまってから かなりの時間がたっていマスネ。 |
Robo: This sword IS the |
Robo: So! |
ルッカ「これがグランドリオン……。 でも、この伝説の剣…… もうかなり昔に おれてしまったみたいね……。 |
Lucca: This is the Grandleon.... |
Lucca: So this is the Masamune... |
おれたグランドリオンを手に入れた! | Got the broken Grandleon! | You got the broken Masamune! | |
グラン「ふもとまで風にのせて 一気にはこんでやるよ。 |
Gran: I'll give you a ride on the wind and |
MASA: Allow me! We'll ride the wind to |
リオン「ガンバってね お兄ちゃん達……。 |
Leon: Do your best, guys.... | MUNE: Good luck to you. | |
The winds picks up and carries Crono and the others to the base of the mountain. |
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