運命の時へ…… | To the Fateful Time.... | The Fated Hour | |
= Sidequest: Reviving the Forest = | |||
フィオナの小屋 A.D.600 Fiona's Hut | Fiona's Villa | ||
This first part of dialog happens the first time you talk to them after beating the Magus in this era, so you can see it much earlier. |
フィオナ「兵士として、魔王軍との 戦いに出ていたおっとのマルコが 帰ってきてくれました…… 私、わたし…… |
Fiona: My husband Marco had gone |
FIONA: My husband Marco is finally home! I...I'm so relieved! |
マルコ「安心して。 これからはずっといっしょだよ。 |
Marco: Relax. |
MARCO: Don't worry. |
The sidequest appears as soon as you tell the woman with the seedling in B.C.12000 to save it. |
フィオナ「何をうえても すぐにかれてしまう……。 砂漠のどこかに住みついた モンスターのしわざなのです。 代々伝わる、不思議な力を持った このなえ木をうえれば、この砂漠を 緑の大地に戻す事も出来るのですが…… 砂漠洞窟にモンスターが巣食っていて うえる事が出来ないのです……。 |
Fiona: No matter what I plant, |
FIONA: The desert monsters are draining the life out of the soil here. This Mystic seedling could revive the forest, but I can't plant it. Too many hungry monsters lurking about. |
マルコ「砂漠洞窟に巣食った モンスター達は水に弱いようです。 しかし、僕の力では あのモンスターを倒す事は……。 |
Marco: It seems the monsters nesting in |
MARCO: The monsters in the desert cave hate water. But I can't defeat them by myself. |
地底砂漠 A.D.600 Subterranean Desert | Sunken Desert | ||
Strange Happening plays here. The entrance resembles a whirlpool of sand, and the sand inside the caves moves in irregular currents. Things get more interesting deeper inside when the ground starts shaking. |
(someone speaks). |
マール「何の音かしら? | Marle: I wonder what that sound is? | {Marle}: What was that? | |
ルッカ「じひびき? | Lucca: A tremor? | {Lucca}: Some tremor? | |
カエル「な、なんだ? | Frog: Wh, what the? | {Frog}: What, be this? | |
ロボ「トッパツ的な地震デショウカ? | Robo: IS it a SUDDEN earthquake? | {Robo}: An unforeseen earthquake perhaps? |
エイラ「ゆ、ゆれてるぞ! | Ayla: Sh, shaking! | {Ayla}: Ground shaking! | |
魔王「……? | Magus: ...? | {Magus}: ...? | |
A strange skeletal something sticks partway out of the ground, then sinks back under the sands. |
(someone speaks) |
マール「あのモンスターのせいで 木がどんどんかれていくのね! |
Marle: It's that monster's fault the |
{Marle}: So that's the monster |
ルッカ「あのモンスターが 砂漠化の原因みたいね。 |
Lucca: It looks like that monster is |
{Lucca}: The monsters are creating a |
カエル「あ、あいつが森を砂漠に かえちまったんだな! |
Frog: Th, that thing turned the forest |
{Frog}: So, THEY changeth the forest |
ロボ「砂漠化の進行ハ あのモンスターのせいデスネ。 |
Robo: The progressing desertization |
{Robo}: The monsters are causing |
エイラ「アイツが 森 砂漠にした! | Ayla: That made forest desert! | {Ayla}: They make forest into desert! |
魔王「メルフィック…… あいつが砂漠化の原因か……。 |
Magus: Melfikk.... |
{Magus}: Retinite... He's behind this new desert. |
Two 'k's make it sound twice as sinister. |
(someone speaks) |
マール「でも、地中を動き回る モンスターなんて…… どこで出会うか、見当もつかないわ! |
Marle: But something like a monster that |
{Marle}: But how can one find a |
ルッカ「しかし、地中を進む モンスターは、やっかいね。 |
Lucca: But a monster that moves |
{Lucca}: It will be hard to defeat a |
カエル「しかし、地中を動き回る ヤツが相手とは…… こいつは、面倒だぜ。 |
Frog: But for a lowlife that moves |
{Frog}: How to slayeth monsters |
ロボ「シカシ、地中を行き来ガ 出来るモンスターとは…… |
Robo: HOWEVER, for the monster to |
{Robo}: But monsters that travel |
エイラ「地中 動き回る ホネ! 見つける たいへん! |
Ayla: Bones moving around underground! |
{Ayla}: Hard to find monster in |
魔王「……、やっかいだな。 | Magus: ...such a nuisance. | {Magus}: ...What a pain... | |
Catching the monster when it's above ground starts combat. Though Water attacks inflict no damage, they harden the sandy bones and drop the defense of the top and bottom sections. Other attacks will restore their defense, but only if the core is dead. To make the battle easier, keep the core alive by healing it with any element except Water. This will also limit the attacks the boss can use. Rob the core for a Speed Capsule. |
(someone speaks) |
マール「これでもう、木がかれる事も ないね。フィオナさん、よろこぶよ。 |
Marle: Now the trees won't die off any |
{Marle}: At least Fiona will be happy! | |
ルッカ「これで、砂漠化の原因は とりのぞかれたわ。 フィオナさんに教えてあげるべきね。 |
Lucca: Now the cause of the desertization |
{Lucca}: We've neutralized the |
カエル「これでもう、安心だ。 フィオナにしらせてやろうぜ。 |
Frog: Now there's nothing left to worry about. |
{Frog}: It be settled then. Let us inform Fiona. |
ロボ「コレデ、砂漠化の進行ハ オサマルはずデス。 フィオナさんにシラセテあげまショウ。 |
Robo: The progress of the desertization |
{Robo}: Now, the desertification should stop. Let us inform Fiona. |
エイラ「森 こわした ホネ 死んだ。 フィオナ よろこぶ! |
Ayla: Bones that break trees dead. |
{Ayla}: Bad bones gone. Fiona happy now. |
魔王「フン……。 | Magus: Hmph.... | {Magus}: Hmph! | |
フィオナの小屋 A.D.600 Fiona's Hut | Fiona's Villa | ||
マルコ「あのモンスターをたいじして いただけるとは! あなた達には、なんとおれいを 言ったらいいのか……。 |
Marco: I can't believe you exterminated |
MARCO: You killed the monsters?! |
フィオナ「モンスターをたいじしてくれて ありがとう。 私も、もう二度がんばってみるわ。 でも、砂漠をふたたび森にするには 気のとおくなるような時間が 必要なの……。 ああ…… 何びゃく年でもはたらき続ける事が 出来るような人がいれば この砂漠を森に戻せるのに……。 |
Fiona: Thank you for exterminating |
FIONA: Thank you for routing the beasts! Unfortunately, it'll take centuries to revive the forest. I wish I could live long enough to see my wish come true! |
ロボ「…… どうでしょう、ミナサン。 ワタシがココに残って、フィオナさんの オテツダイをするというのは。 コノ砂漠が森とシテよみがえった後に ワタシをカイシュウしてくだされば よいのデスカラ。 ココに残って、オテツダイをしても よろしいデショウカ? |
Robo: ...... |
{Robo}: You can come for me when the job is done. May I stay behind and help Fiona? |
Robo goes out into the desert, and can from now on be seen performing various tasks related to growing the forest. |
フィオナ神殿 A.D.1000 Fiona Temple | Fiona's Shrine | ||
The area, which was previously almost barren, is now covered with forest, and this building stands in the middle. There are several nuns, priestesses, or whatever you want to call them inside. |
ここはフィオナの神殿。 400年前、魔王との戦いで 砂漠化した森をよみがえらせた フィオナ様とロボ様をまつった 神殿です。 |
This is Fiona's Temple. It is a temple dedicated to Fiona-sama and Robo-sama, who made revive the forest that was turned to desert in the war with Magus 400 years ago. |
This is Fiona's Shrine. Here we give thanks to Fiona & {Robo} for replanting the forest 400 years ago! |
この神殿の奥には、ご神体である ロボ様が安置されています。 |
Within this temple, the holy relic of Robo-sama is enshrined. |
The remains of the lofty {Robo} are enshrined in the inner sanctum. |
This is a bit of a loose translation. 神体 (shintai) actually refers to an object in which the spirit of a deity resides, and the line seems to indicate that they consider Robo to be an inanimate object that was animated by a god. |
森の不思議な力を持ったえだであんだ ぼうしです。 |
These are hats knit from branches with the forest's mysterious power. |
Here's a hat made from a magical bough filled with mystical forest powers. |
She sells various hats with protection from status ailments, including the Safeguard Hat. They're expensive, but are some of the strongest headgear, and anyone can wear them. Robo sits inert on a pedestal in the back, looking worn down and rusty. They move him to the ground and he starts moving. |
ロボ「コ、ココハ…… オ…… オオ…… {char1}…… ナ……ナツカシイ……。 イヤ……、アンタ方にとってハ イッシュンの事だったのデスネ。 シカシ、ワタシニとっては 400年ハながい時間デシタ……。 シカシ、クロウのかいアッテ 森ハよみがえりマシタ。 …… サア、今夜ハ、400年ブリの サイカイをいわおうではアリマセンカ。 |
Robo: WH, WHERE...? |
{Robo}: Ahh... {char1}, how nice to see you. For you, it was a quick hop, but for me 400 long years have passed. The effort was worth it! The forest has grown back! Now, let us celebrate our 400th year reunion. |
That night, everyone relaxes around a campfire in the forest. The Farthest Reaches of Time plays. Lucca continues repairing Robo as he speaks. |
ロボ「今回400年もの旅をして 気づいた事があります。 ワタシ達はゲートの出現は ラヴォスの力のゆがみだと思って イマシタが違うような気がして きたのデス。 |
Robo: Having now taken a journey of |
{Robo}: After 400 years of |
マール「どういう事? | Marle: What do you mean? | {Marle}: What do you mean? | |
ロボ「カクシンは持てませんが 誰かが何かを私達に見せたかったんじゃ ないかと……。 ゲートを通していろんな時代の何かを。 もしくは、その誰か自身が見たかったの かもしれマセン。 自分の生きて来た姿を 思い返すように……。 |
Robo: I cannot be CONFIDENT about it, |
{Robo}: I have come to think that |
エイラ「イエラ それわかる。 人 死ぬ時 今までの思い出 全部 見る 言い伝え! |
Ayla: Ayla understand that. |
{Ayla}: {Ayla} know! |
カエル「人は死ぬ時 生きていた時に深く心にきざんだ記憶が 次々とうかぶという。 それは楽しい思い出もあるが たいていは悲しい思い出さ。 |
Frog: They say when you die, the memories |
{Frog}: 'Tis true that mortals do |
ロボ「きっと 『あの時にもどりたい』 『あの時ああしていれば』…… という、つよい思いが記憶を 呼び起こすのでショウ。 |
Robo: Undoubtedly, |
{Robo}: Thinking things like, "If only |
マール「私も死ぬ時はそうなるのかな? | Marle: I wonder if I'll be like that too when I die? | {Marle}: Will that happen when our time comes? |
ルッカ「きっとそうよ。 | Lucca: I'm sure you will. | {Lucca}: Probably...who knows? | |
マール「ルッカはあるの? もどりたい、いっしゅんが? |
Marle: Do you have one, Lucca? |
{Marle}: Is there a point in time you'd |
ルッカ「ううん……。 | Lucca: No.... | {Lucca}: No...not really... | |
マール「ごめん 聞いちゃ、いけなかった? |
Marle: Sorry, shouldn't I have asked? | {Marle}: I'm sorry, was that |
ルッカ「なるべく考えないように しているの。 だってつかれちゃうもの。 |
Lucca: I try to think about it as |
{Lucca}: It's ok, it's just something I don't like to think about too much. |
カエル「しかしだ…… この思い出の持ち主はよっぽど ラヴォスにえんがあるんだな。 どの時代もラヴォスにからんでる。 |
Frog: Anyway.... |
{Frog}: Lavos playeth an integral |
魔王「……。 で、誰だというんだ、そいつは? |
Magus: ...... |
{Magus}: ...so who is this Entity? | |
ロボ「誰の思い出かは わかりマセン。 もしかしたら人ではない…… もっと大きな存在かも知れマセン。 それがわかる日が、ワタシ達の旅の 終わりの時かもしれマセン。 ……そろそろ、ねマショウカ? |
Robo: I do NOT know whose |
{Robo}: It is unknown, whose memories these are. It may be something beyond our comprehension. Our journey may come to an end when we finally discover the identity of the Entity. ... ...shall we turn in for the night? |
Who is this mysterious entity? The going fan theory seems to be the planet itself, which fits quite well actually. The music fades and everyone goes to sleep, but Lucca wakes up in the middle of the night. There's a faint background noise similar to the sound of travel through a Gate. Lucca finds a Gate in the nearby forest and enters. It's red when it opens instead of the usual blue. The Gate opens into a room, the sounds get louder, and Lucca looks confused. The room looks like Lucca's, but lacks the usual clutter of books, machines, and chemicals. |
ルッカ「こ、これは? | Lucca: Is, is this? | {Lucca}: Did I make it back...to that moment? |
There's a note on the ground. |
『AD990/6/24 ハイキングのやくそくをしたのに お父さんは研究ですっぽかし。 ルッカには全然わかんない…… でもいいの。 ルッカはふつうの およめさんになるからカガクなんて 知らなくていいんだもん! |
"6/24, A.D.990 |
"6/24/990AD Dad promised to go hiking with me, but blew me off again, due to his work. I hate science! I loathe it!" |
This appears to be from a diary written by Lucca ten years in the past. The third person is an indication of childishness. The kitchen downstairs has another note on the table. |
『機械をストップさせるパスコードは…… 我が最愛の人。 非常時にこれを入力しろ。 タバン』 |
"The passcode to stop the machine is.... |
The password is... The name of my lovely wife. Use it in an emergency. -Taban |
As soon as Lucca enters the main room of the house, a scene starts and the sounds get even louder. Lucca's mother Lara is in the room along with a young purple-haired girl and a large machine. The others don't notice Lucca, who looks shocked. |
ララ「まあまあ、何の機械だか… タバンは危ないから近づくなって 言うけど、こうよごしちゃあねェ。 |
Lara: Dear me, what's this machine...? |
LARA: What IS this thing? Taban says to keep away from it, but it's so dusty. I'll just... |
She walks to one side of the contraption, where it looks like a conveyor belt, then seems surprised. |
ララ「あら? スカートのすそがはさまちゃったわ。 ルッカ、ね、ルッカ ちょっと手伝って。 |
Lara: Huh? |
LARA: Dear me! My skirt...it's...I'm STUCK! {Lucca}! {Lucca}, HELP! |
The little girl, who must be the Lucca of ten years past, goes over to help. |
ルッカ「取れない よ。 | Lucca: It won't come out. | {Lucca}: I can't pull it out. | |
With a clicking sound, the machine starts to move, dragging Lara in. |
ララ「!! ルッカ! 機械を止めて! パスコードを入力して。 |
Lara: !! |
LARA: !! {Lucca}! Enter the password! Stop this machine! |
ルッカ「わからないわ! お母さん! |
Lucca: I don't get it! |
{Lucca}: But I don't know it, mommie! | |
Young Lucca hurries to the controls, but just runs back and forth helplessly. However, the older Lucca is in a position to change the past.... |
Here's what happens if Lucca doesn't intervene, or waits too long. |
ララ「ああ、もうだめ…… あなた!! |
Lara: Ahh, it's no good.... |
LARA: Oh no...! Help!! |
The scene fades out, the sounds stop, and there's a scream. Fade in to (older) Lucca collapsed at the foot of her bed. There are now two notes in the room, blocking every exit, except for the Gate, which has reappeared. |
『AD990/7/1 お父さんと、おいしゃさんの話を 聞いちゃった。 でも聞かない方がよかった…… お母さん……足が…… |
"7/1, A.D.990 |
7/1/990 AD I wish I hadn't heard what the doctor told dad. Mommie's legs...they're... |
『AD990/7/15 私が機械にくわしければあんな事に ならなかったのに…… 私さえ…… |
"7/15, A.D.990 |
7/15/990 AD If only I knew more about machines. Then mom would still be okay. If only I... |
Note that this entry is written in first person. The shift indicates a movement from childish innocence to adult maturity. The Gate returns Lucca to the present. Robo stands in the clearing. Everyone else is still sleeping. |
ロボ「ワタシの足をあげマス。 バランス良好、超小型の2足ほ行 パーツデス。 ワタシにはキャタピラでも 付けてくれれば…… 気を落とさないでクダサイ。 |
Robo: I WILL give her MY legs. |
{Robo}: I'll give you my legs! |
ルッカ「ありがとう。 私にはこんないい友達がいるのね……。 |
Lucca: Thanks. |
{Lucca}: Thanks, you're such a good |
ロボ「友達…… ロボットのワタシが……。 |
Robo: Friend.... |
{Robo}: A...friend? |
However, it's also possible to avert tragedy. Just input Lucca's mother's name to stop the machine. |
The code in the Japanese version is L A L A, not L A R A. I'm fairly certain that this agrees with the official system of Romanizing Japanese, which sees little actual use. But Lala makes a lousy name in English, so they changed it for the NA release. It's also possible that the ambiguity of how to Romanize her name was done deliberately to make it more difficult to get the code correct. Text from the prerelease suggests it was originally outright impossible. Young Lucca runs up to her mother. |
ルッカ「よかった。 お母さん。 | Lucca: Thank goodness, mom. | {Lucca}: Thank goodness, mommie. | |
ララ「ルッカ……、ルッカ…… | Lara: Lucca... Lucca.... | LARA: {Lucca}... {Lucca}... | |
Fade in to Lucca collapsed at the foot of her bed. There are now two notes in the room, blocking every exit except for the Gate, which has reappeared, though one of the notes is just the one that was here when Lucca arrived. |
『AD990/7/2 本当に良かった。 もしまたあんな事が 起こってもだいじょうぶなように 少しは機械の事にくわしくなろうと思う。 |
"7/2, A.D. 990 |
7/2/990 AD I feel like I've learned something! I'll study machines now. There'll be no more accidents around here. |
It's unclear whether this entry is in first or third person, which may mean she grew up a little, but not as abruptly as in the scenario with the tragedy. The Gate returns Lucca to the present. Robo stands in the clearing. Everyone else is still sleeping. |
ロボ「ずっと気にかかって いたのデスネ。 ルッカはやさしい人デス。 |
Robo: It HAS BEEN weighing |
{Robo}: {Lucca}, you've got a kind heart. You're always thinking of others. |
The scene ends the same way regardless of which branch was taken. Robo slides open some of his plating, revealing something shiny inside. |
ロボ「プレゼントします。 森で育った木のジュシをかためて つくりマシタ。 400年の重みのある宝石デス。 何かに役立ててください。 |
Robo: I will give you a present. |
{Robo}: This is for you. It's a piece of amber I created using the sap from a tree in my forest. It took 400 years and a lot of pressure to make! I hope you'll find it useful. |
みどりのゆめを手に入れた! | Got the Dream of Greenery! | (***need message text) | |
ルッカ「ありがとう…… ロボ。 |
Lucca: Thanks... |
{Lucca}: {Robo}... |
Thus concludes the sidequest. Rewards: Speed Capsule, Dream of Greenery, the hat shop, and the infamous "Entity" discussion. |
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