戦え!グランドリオン | Fight! Grandleon | The Masamune! | |
ボッシュの小屋 A.D.1000 Bosch's Hut | Melchior's Hut | ||
ボッシュ「お~ッ、それじゃ! そのドリストーンがあれば グランドリオンを修復出来るぞい! しかし、グランドリオンといい ドリストーンといい、一体どこで…… ま、いいわい。 ちょっと、待っておれ。 |
Bosch: Oh! That's it! |
MELCHIOR: You found some Dreamstone?! Then I'll repair the Masamune! HOW on earth did you get the Masamune... ...and the Dreamstone? No, don't tell me. I don't think my heart could take it. It'll take a little while to fix this... |
Lucca heads after him if present, otherwise Robo does. |
ルッカ「私も手伝うわ! | Lucca: I'll help too! | Lucca: I'll lend a hand!! | |
ロボ「ワタシも手伝いマショウ。 | Robo: I SHALL also assist. | Robo: I shall help also. | |
Everyone goes downstairs. Corridors of Time plays. Crono can walk around and talk to Bosch and his assistant. |
ルッカ「どうやって直すつもりかしら? | Lucca: I wonder how he plans on fixing it? | Lucca: How are you gonna fix it? | |
ロボ「修復はムズカしそうデス。 | Robo: The repairs seem DIFFICULT. | Robo: These repairs seem quite difficult. |
ボッシュ「さて、と…… | Bosch: Now, then.... | MELCHIOR: All right, then! | |
Bosch walks over to a bookcase and starts reading. |
ボッシュ「今、調べもの中じゃ。 話しかけるでない。 |
Bosch: I'm looking something up now. |
MELCHIOR: Don't interrupt me while I'm conducting research! |
Bosch finds what he was seeking. |
ボッシュ「まあ、ワシにまかせておけ。 | Bosch: Anyhow, leave things to me. | MELCHIOR: At any rate, leave this to me! | |
ボッシュ「グランドリオンを修復するには ドリストーンを精製するだけでなく 剣を活性化させる必要があるのじゃ。 おぬしはドリストーンを精製してくれ。 ワシは剣の活性化を行なう。 |
Bosch: In order to repair the Grandleon, |
MELCHIOR: To repair the Masamune, we must process the Dreamstone, and active the sword. You work on the Dreamstone, and I'll work on the sword. |
Bosch's helper responds. |
ルッカ「わかったわ! このルッカ様にまかせなさい! |
Lucca: Got it! |
Lucca: OK! Leave it to Lucca the Great! |
ロボ「わかりまシタ。 | Robo: UNDERSTOOD. | Robo: Understood. | |
ボッシュ「この剣を活性化するには 一度はおれて力を失った剣の本体に ふたたび命をふきこまねばならぬ。 |
Bosch: In order to activate this sword, I must |
MELCHIOR: To energize this sword, we must first rejuvenate the broken sword... |
ルッカ「さ~て、いそがしくなるわよ! | Lucca: All right, it's gonna get busy! | Lucca: Gonna be mighty busy! | |
ロボ「道具をそろえナイと…… | Robo: I MUST get the tools ready.... | Robo: First, the tools... | |
ボッシュ「剣を活性化させる呪文は 高度でむずかしいものじゃ。 しばらく話しかけんでくれんか。 |
Bosch: The spell to make the sword |
MELCHIOR: The spell to energize the sword take immense concentration. Could you leave us alone for a while? |
ルッカ「う~ん、けっこうメンドウね。 気がちるから、あっちへ行ってて! |
Lucca: Umm, this is a lot of trouble. |
Lucca: This's pretty complicated... You're breaking my concentration, so would you find somewhere else to go for awhile? |
ロボ「設備がないノデ、精製ハ 手間取リそうデスネ。 |
Robo: We lack the equipment, SO it seems |
Robo: Without the proper facilities, refining the Dreamstone could take some time. |
ボッシュ「よし、終わったぞ。 ドリストーンを持ってきてくれんか? |
Bosch: All right, I've finished. |
MELCHIOR: All right, it's done! Now, bring me the Dreamstone. |
ルッカ「こっちも終わったわ。 | Lucca: I'm done over here too. | Lucca: I'm done here too. | |
ロボ「わかりまシタ。 | Robo: UNDERSTOOD. | Robo: Understood. | |
ボッシュ「始めるぞ。 | Bosch: We're starting. | MELCHIOR: All right, let's get started. | |
They begin. There's a bright light and a shrill noise.... The scene cuts to back upstairs, with Memories of Green playing as usual. |
ボッシュ「待たせたの。 | Bosch: Sorry to keep you waiting. | MELCHIOR: Sorry to keep you waiting. | |
The lights dim as the character who assisted Bosch holds up the repaired sword. |
ボッシュ「見るがよい! これこそが、グランドリオンじゃ! |
Bosch: Behold! |
MELCHIOR: Take a good look! THIS is the Masamune! |
The character who didn't help remarks on the sword. |
マール「スッゴ~い! これが、あのグランドリオン!? |
Marle: AWESOME! |
Marle: Awesome! What a weapon! |
ルッカ「これがグランドリオン…… 私の知らないエネルギーが出ているわ。 研究イヨクをそそるわね…… |
Lucca: This is the Grandleon.... |
Lucca: The Masamune... It's mystic powers might just force me to believe in the supernatural... |
How can Lucca respond here if Bosch's helper doesn't speak and Lucca always volunteers to be Bosch's helper if present? Start the scene with Marle and Robo in the group, then swap Marle out for Lucca downstairs. Sneaky. Also, the NA version translation bugs me, and not just because it uses "it's" instead of "its". Does it make much sense for someone who has been using magic for some time to speak of being skeptical of the supernatural? |
ロボ「不思譲デス。 このグランドリオン自体に 精神エネルギーが感じられマス。 |
Robo: It IS mysterious. |
Robo: How strange. My sensors are picking up...spiritual energy emanating from the Masamune. |
ボッシュ「まあ、ワシにかかれば こんなもんじゃて。 |
Bosch: Well, that's just how things |
MELCHIOR: Well, I think that's everything. |
The same character continues. |
マール「じゃあ、クロノ、 はやくグランドリオンを カエルさんの所に 持って行きましょう! |
Marle: Well, Crono, let's bring the |
Marle: Ok Crono, let's take the Masamune to Frog. |
ルッカ「じゃあ、コロノ、 とっとと、グランドリオンを カエルの所に待って行くわよ! |
Lucca: Well, Crono, we're bringing |
Lucca: Okay, Crono, let's get this back to Frog. |
ロボ「では、クロノ、 グランドリオンをカエル殿に わたしに行きマショウ。 |
Robo: Well then, Crono, LET US |
Robo: Crono, let us take the Masamune to Frog. |
ボッシュ「剣はな、使う者の心のあり方 しだいで、生命をうばう道具にも 救う道具にもなるものじゃ。 使い方をまちがえんようにな。 |
Bosch: A sword may be either a means |
MELCHIOR: This weapon represents considerable power... Your actions may either save or destroy life. Wield your sword with full knowledge of the consequences! |
お化けカエル森 A.D.600 Frog Monster's Forest | Cursed Woods | ||
Frog is still here, as gloomy as before. |
カエル「また、お前達か……。 | Frog: You guys again...? | Frog: 'Tis thee again. | |
The party shows him the sword. The music stops dead. |
カエル「まさか、この剣は…… グランドリオン……!? ……少し考えさせてくれ。 今夜はここで休むといい……。 | Frog: It can't be, this sword... |
Frog: This sword... 'Tis the Masamune? I must ponder this turn of events. Remain'eth here the night. |
Fade out, then fade in to a flashback, in Guardia Castle. Courage and Pride plays. An unfamiliar knight stands in the throne room. |
リーネ「行ってしまうのですね。 サイラス……。 |
Leene: I see you're going. |
LEENE: Cyrus! Are you leaving? |
サイラス「ええ。 そろそろ誰かが ゴールデンフロッグのヤツから あのバッジをうばいかえしても よいころかと……。 それに伝説の剣とやらも この目でたしかめてみたい……。 |
Cyrus: Yes. I've been thinking it's about |
CYRUS: Yes, it's time we took back the Medal from the Frog King. And I'd like to see that mythical sword for myself. |
ガルディア「サイラスよ、お前は この国にとって必要な男……。 また、私とリーネにとっても かけがえのない友人だ。 きっと、もどって来るのだぞ。 |
Guardia: Cyrus, you are an |
GUARDIA: But Cyrus, the kingdom needs you! And Leene and I need you. You must return to us! |
サイラス「命あるかぎり、かならず。 たとえこの身に、何があろうとも……。 それでは、これにて……。 | Cyrus: Certainly, as long as I have life. |
CYRUS: As long as there is life in these bones, I shall return! By your leave... |
Cyrus leaves the throne room, and Leene stands to watch him go. An assembly of soldiers awaits him outside. |
兵士「サイラス様!! われら、王国騎士団一同! みんな団長の旅のごぶじを いのっております……!! |
Soldiers: Cyrus-sama!! |
SOLDIER: Sir Cyrus!! We, the Knights of the Square Table, wish you a safe journey! |
サイラス「……お前達。 後の事は、たのんだぞ。 |
Cyrus: ...you guys. |
CYRUS: Listen well, my friends... I now entrust the safety of the kingdom to you! |
サイラス「待たせたな。 さあ、行くとするか。 |
Cyrus: Sorry to keep you waiting. |
CYRUS: Pardon the delay. Shall we be off? |
リーネ「グレン! あなたも気をつけてね。 |
Leene: Glenn! |
LEENE: Glenn, you be careful too! | |
グレン「王妃様も、どうか お元気で……。 |
Glenn: May the Queen also |
GLENN: Be of sound health, your Majesty! |
The scene changes, and Battle plays. Cyrus, weilding a red sword, fights off monsters in a forest, along with Glenn. The scene changes again, and Boss Battle 1 plays. Now, Cyrus, accompanied by Glenn and an unknown young woman, faces a giant frog wearing a crown and flanked by two smaller frogs. |
この勇者のバッジがほしくば 力ずくでとってみよ、王国の騎士!! グギャギャギャ……!! |
If you want this Hero's Badge, try taking it by force, royal knight!! Ghkyakyakya...!! |
So! You want the Badge of Courage, dear knight of the kingdom? Well come and take it...if you can!!! Grribit... |
サイラス「むろん、そうさせてもらう。 行くぞ、G・フロッグ! ニルヴァーナ・スラーッシュ! |
Cyrus: Naturally, allow me to do so. |
CYRUS: Prepare yourself, polywog! En guarde! Nirvana Strike! |
Cyrus jabs at the frog several times quickly. It shrieks. |
ハギャーッ……!!! や……、や…… やりやがったな、このヤロー! なんでい、こんなバッジ! お、おばえてやがれよ、チクショーめ! |
HAGYAAAA...!!! H... h.... How DARE you do that, you bastard! Why, stupid badge! Y, you'll PAY for this, damn you! |
GRAAAACK...! How dare you pick on a helpless amphibian! Filthy medal! I won't forget this! |
The frog tosses the badge to the ground and leaves with the lesser frogs. Cyrus takes the badge. Scene change to an unknown, dark location. Wind howls, and we hear sounds of combat. |
グレン「うわっ!? | Glenn: Uwah!? | GLENN: Aaah! | |
サイラス「あぶない、グレン!! | Cyrus: Watch out, Glenn!! | CYRUS: Beware Glenn!! | |
More fighting noises, and a sound like something metal breaking. |
グレン「サイラス! 剣が……!? グランドリオンが……!! |
Glenn: Cyrus! |
GLENN: Cyrus! The sword... The Masamune! |
The screen scrolls up and lightens enough to show Cyrus and Glenn standing on a mountainside, facing Vinnegar. Behind Vinnegar stands a man with pale skin, long pale blue hair, dark clothes, and a navy blue cape that billows in the breeze. He seems to be paying no attention to the fighting behind him. |
ビネガー「キャハハ、どうしたあ もう終わりなのかあ? 伝説の剣がおれてしまっては 手も足も出まいがあ!! |
Vinnegar: Kyahaha, what's the matter, |
OZZIE: Gyah ha ha... Is THAT the best you can do?! Without your sword, you're nothing! |
サイラス「クッ、まだだ……! | Cyrus: Kh, not yet...! | CYRUS: Arrgh! You haven't beaten me yet! |
グレン「サ、サイラス…… 俺は、もう……。 |
Glenn: C, Cyrus.... |
GLENN: C, Cyrus... I'm a g...goner. |
サイラス「聞け、グレン。 俺がヤツらの足をとめる。 そのスキにお前だけでも逃げろ。 |
Cyrus: Listen, Glenn. |
CYRUS: Glenn, escape while I keep them at bay. |
グレン「し、しかし……! | Glenn: B, but...! | GLENN: B, but...! | |
サイラス「このままでは、二人とも やられる……。 行くんだ。グレン。 |
Cyrus: At this rate, we'll both |
CYRUS: If you stay, they'll get us both. Go on, Glenn! |
The mysterious figure finally turns around. He drapes his cape around himself, and I think he looks a lot like a vampire. |
魔王「よゆうだな、サイラスとやら。 人の心配などしている場合か……? |
Magus: Such composure, Cyrus, was it? |
Magus: You'd better worry more about yourself, Cyrus! |
サイラス「いいか、グレン。 行くぞ!! うおお……ッ! |
Cyrus: All right, Glenn? |
CYRUS: Come on, Glenn! GO!! Aaahhh...! |
Cyrus charges Magus, who casually fries him. |
グレン「サ、サイラスーッ! | Glenn: C, Cyrusss! | GLENN: C, Cyrus! | |
サイラス「に……、逃げろ…… グレン…… 王妃を…… リーネ様の事を…… たの…… ………… |
Cyrus: R... run away.... |
CYRUS: R...run...Glenn... The Queen. Take care...of...Leene... ...... |
Cyrus bursts into flames and disappears. 3-05 ジール宮殿 (Zeal Palace) starts playing. |
グレン「サ……、サイラス!? サイラスーッ!! |
Glenn: C... Cyrus!? |
GLENN: C, Cyrus!? Cyruuus!! |
魔王「フン、どうした……。 きさまは来ないのか? |
Magus: Hmph, what's wrong...? |
Magus: Harumph! What's the matter? Aren't you going to try your luck? |
グレン「クッ……! | Glenn: Kh...! | GLENN: Err...! | |
ビネガー「ギョヘヘ……。 ヘビににらまれたカエルってとこだな。 わかぞう。 魔王様、どうです? このこしぬけを、にあいの姿に 変えてやるってのは? |
Vinnegar: Gyoheheh... |
OZZIE: Gyah, ha ha... Cat got your tongue kid? How about it, Magus? Can't you give him a more fitting form? |
魔王「フッ、よかろう……。 わが前に立ちはだかる者は 一人残らず消す。 |
Magus: Hmph, very well.... |
Magus: All right, why not? There's always time for a little fun. |
グレン「!! | Glenn: !! | GLENN: !! | |
Magus gestures, and a bolt of energy strikes Glenn. He starts glowing weird colors. |
グレン「う……、うわーッ!! ぐあああああ……ッ!! |
Glenn: U... uwaah!! |
Glenn: A...augh!! Aaaaack! |
Glenn falls off the cliffside nearby. |
ビネガー「ギャーハハハハ……! いーくじゃなしの虫ケラめがあ……! |
Vinnegar: Gya, hahahaha...! |
OZZIE: Ghay ha ha...! You spineless wimp! |
The scene changes back to the present, in Frog's dwelling in the woods. Everyone is asleep but Frog. At the Bottom of Night plays. |
カエル「あれから、もう 10年にもなるか……。 やれるか…… この俺に……? サイラス……。 |
Frog: Has it already been |
Frog: 10 years hath passed... Can I do it? I've changed so much. Alas, poor Cyrus...! |
The screen fades to black, and the music stops. |
カエル「起きろ、クロノ。 | Frog: Get up, Crono. | Frog: Awake'th, Crono! | |
The screen fades in, showing everyone now awake. Frog's Theme fades in. |
カエル「俺にどこまでやれるのか わからないが…… 行ってみよう 魔王城へ……。 ヤツは強いぞ……。 かくごはいいか……? |
Frog: I don't know how much I'll be |
Frog: Though we may fail... ...let us go to Magus's lair. Thou knowest his power? |
The others reply, in the order listed. |
ルッカ「サイエンスの前に敵はないわ! | Lucca: There's no enemy in the face of science! | Lucca: Nothing can beat science! | |
ロボ「未来を見つけだすタメニ……! | Robo: FOR the SAKE of seeking out the future...! | Robo: We must do it to save our future! |
マール「悪いヤツには負けないぞー! | Marle: We won't lose to a bad guy! | Marle: We won't be beaten by a bad guy! |
Frog joins the party. His equipment and skills are the same as before, but he's gained some levels. It's time for a few side trips, and not just to equip Frog.... |
時の最果て The Farthest Reaches of Time | The End of Time | ||
Spekkio said to bring other people, so the party takes Frog here. |
スペッキオ「こりゃまたヘンなの つれて来た。 こいつ、カエルだけに『水』の力 持ってる。 ハニャハラヘッタミタ~イ!! |
Spekkio: This's another weird one |
SPEKKIO: What a weird fellow. Being a frog, let's give him "Water!" Ipso facto, meeny moe... MAGICO! |
Frog flexes his muscles as water splashes around him. Fanfare 3 plays. |
カエルが魔法を使えるようになった! | Frog became able to use magic! | Frog learned to use magic! | |
Frog immediately learns ★ウォーター (Water), and, like the others, can now continue learning techniques normally. |
クロノの家 A.D.1000 Crono's House | Crono's house | ||
As usual, Gina is here |
ジナ「………。 クロノ…… うちでは、そんな大きなペットは かえませんよ。 |
Gina: ......... |
MOM: Dear me...! Crono! How many times have I told you to keep your pets outside!! |
Probable pun: 蛙 (frog) and 飼える (able to keep a pet) are both read "kaeru".... |
カエル「お……、奥方。 私はペットではありません。 姿はこうでも、れっきとした武人です。 |
Frog: G... good lady. |
Frog: M, madam...! I am NOT a pet! Though I am...odd off figure, I am a master swordsman! |
ジナ「あら、ごめんなさい、ブジンさん。 私ったら、てっきり……。 本当にごめんなさいね、ブジンさん。 |
Gina: Oh, I'm sorry, Soldier-san. |
MOM: It TALKS...! Er...I just thought, I mean... I'm terribly sorry, uh, Mr. Toad! |
The way it goes all katakana seems to suggest she thinks ブジン (bujin = soldier) is his name. This makes some sense, since it is an older and less common term for a soldier (or more literally, a "military man" as opposed to a "scholarly man"), so it's understandable that she wouldn't make the connection. |
カエル「いや、私の名は…… | Frog: No, my name is.... | Frog: NO! Mine name is... |
ジナ「はい? | Gina: Yes? | MOM: Yes, dear? | |
カエル「…… ブジンけっこうです……。 |
Frog: ...... |
Frog: ... "Toad" will do for now... |
ルッカの家 A.D.1000 Lucca's House | Lucca's house | ||
タバン「お、いいとこに来た。 | Taban: Oh, you came at a good time. | TABAN: Oh you're just in time. | |
タバンメットを手に入れた! | Got the Taban Helm! | You got 1 Taban Helm! | |
タバン「タバン様の大発明。 ルッカ用の防具の完成さ! 大事に使いな! |
Taban: The great Taban's great invention. |
TABAN: It's my finest work! The ultimate in defense for my, daughter! |
魔岩窟 A.D.600 Demon Cavern | Magic Cave | ||
Magus's army is said to come through a cave here, but there's nothing visible but a plain cliff. Frog steps forward and pokes at the cliff for a bit, then At the Bottom of Night starts playing, and the screen fades into another flashback. In a forest, four young boys dash around a fifth, who is spinning uncontrollably. |
うわーん! | Uwaan! | Aaahhhh! | |
お前らーッ! | Hey, you guys! | Hey you-! | |
An older boy runs up, scaring the four who are running around. |
やべえ、サイラスだ、逃げろーッ! | Oh no, it's Cyrus, run away! | It's Cyrus! Run for your lives! |
The four of them run away, leaving the fifth still reeling. Cyrus steadies him. |
ヒック……、ありがと…… サイラス……、ヒック。 |
hic... thanks... Cyrus... hic. |
Sniffle...thanks, Cyrus...Hic...! | |
サイラス「グレン、男はな、立ち向かって 行かなきゃいけない時もあるんだぞ。 |
Cyrus: Look, Glenn, a man's got times |
CYRUS: Glenn, there're times when people simply have to grit their teeth! |
グレン「でも……、ぶたれたらイタイよ。 アイツらだって…… |
Glenn: But... getting hit hurts. |
GLENN: But...it hurts when I get hit. They... |
Glenn's saying that even they hurt when you hit them, not that it hurts when they hit him. |
サイラス「優しすぎるよ、グレンは……。 | Cyrus: You're too gentle, Glenn.... | CYRUS: You're a marshmallow, Glenn... | |
Fade out, and fade in to a bridge. A man stands there, looking out at the sea. A young man, who looks the same as Glenn from the flashback in Frog's dwelling, walks up to him. |
サイラス「なあ、グレン…… 俺、騎士団に入ろうと思うんだ。 |
Cyrus: Hey, Glenn... |
CYRUS: Hey Glenn... I've been thinking about becoming a Knight... |
グレン「やっぱり! 君なら、きっとりっぱな騎士になれる。 僕がほしょうするよ。 |
Glenn: I knew it! |
GLENN: I knew you were going to enlist! You'll make a great warrior! |
サイラス「お前もいっしょに来ないか? | Cyrus: Would you come with me too? | CYRUS: Why don't you join, too? | |
グレン「……、僕には無理だよ。 | Glenn: ...I couldn't do it. | GLENN: I...don't think I'd make the cut. | |
サイラス「そうかな。 剣の腕はお前の方が上だと 思うんだがな。 |
Cyrus: Really. |
CYRUS: But, why? You're better with a sword than I am! |
グレン「ダメさ、僕は。 実戦だと、きっと震えあがっちゃうよ。 |
Glenn: I'm hopeless. |
GLENN: I don't know... I think I'd really lose it if I had to hurt someone. |
Fade out, then fade in to the mountain where Glenn faces Magus and Vinnegar alone after Cyrus's death. |
グレン「!! | Glenn: !! | GLENN: !! | |
Magus gestures, and a bolt of energy strikes Glenn. He starts glowing weird colors. |
グレン「う……、うわーッ!! | Glenn: U.... uwaah!! | GLENN: A...augh!! | |
The scene fades out as Glenn nears the cliff edge, then fades back in to show Frog, washed up on a riverbank lower on the mountain. Something round and shiny drifts down the river and stops in front of him. |
「バッジ…… ……勇……者の…… |
"Badge... |
The...Medal. |
The scene fades out, and we're back to the present. Frog turns around. |
カエル「グランドリオンをよこせ。 | Frog: Hand over the Grandleon. | Frog: Hand'eth over the Masamune! |
Crono dramtically stabs the sword into the ground (note that you shouldn't actually do that with a sword, as it can dull the edge) and walks out of the way. Frog steps up to it, looks down for a moment, then looks up again, laughing froggily. Frog's Theme starts playing. |
カエル「我が名はグレン! サイラスの願いと、こころざし そしてこのグランドリオン…… 今ここに受けつぎ 魔王をうつッ! |
Frog: My name is Glenn! |
Frog: Mine name is Glenn! Cyrus's hopes and dreams... And now the Masamune... Forthwith I shall slay Magus and restore honor! |
Frog takes the sword by the hilt, and lightning crackles around it. He pulls it out and holds it aloft, and energy surrounds him and flares from the tip. The pyrotechnic display fades, and he waves the sword around. With a crackle of lightning and residual explosions, he slashes down the cliff wall, and it slides aside, revealing a cave. Debris falls in the aftermath. Frog gestures dramatically at the cave with the Grandleon, and the party enters. Frog now wields the Grandleon, which is powerful enough that his attack hurts more than Crono's or Robo's, despite his comparitively low strength. When wearing the Hero Badge, he gets critical hits more often, meaning he does even more damage. Underground Waterway plays in the cave, where a bat follows them around, fluttering away whenever there's a battle, then returning afterwards. The monsters are resistant to normal attacks, but fall easily to magic. |
If Frog can't use magic yet, then after the first battle... |
カエル「お前達の使っているのは もしや魔法と言うものか? 今では魔族しか使えないと 聞いていたが。 |
Frog: Could what you're using |
Frog: Be that magic you use? I hath heard only magicians wield it now. |
Marle or Lucca will respond with this line... |
「時の最果てに行けば あなたも使えるようになるかも しれないわね。 |
"If we go the Farthest Reaches of Time, |
Travel to the End of Time, and you, too, may learn to use magic. |
...and Robo with this one. |
ロボ「時の最果てに行けば あなたも使えるようになるかも シレマセン。 |
Robo: If we go to the Farthest Reaches of Time, |
Robo: Travel to the End of Time, and you may gain the use of magic. |
The party passes through the cave, to find themselves on an island with a large castle deep in a dark forest.... |
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